The Heartbreak of a Shelter Dog Rejected Twice in Short Time Span

It is truly heart-wrenching to witness dogs being returned to shelters after being adopted, as the sadness in their eyes can be deeply moving. Sadly, this was the fate of Lola, who was returned to the shelter not once, but twice in the span of seven months. Determined to make a lasting impression on her next family, Lola set out to do just that. And in the end, the third time proved to be the charm for this resilient pup.

sad dog at the shelter

Christina Antonucci was casually browsing through a pet rescue site when she came across Lola, a gorgeous black-and-white pup that immediately caught her attention. Reminded of her childhood dog, Christina decided to meet Lola in person. “I saw her sad eyes in the photo and knew I had to bring her home. She was so sweet, sitting at my feet and looking up at me,” Christina shared with The Dodo. Lola had faced unfortunate circumstances in her previous adoptions, but Christina was determined to give her the loving home she deserved.

photo of woman and a dog

After Lola arrived at her new home, she wasted no time in showing Christina just how grateful she was for the kindness shown to her. Christina shared, “On the first night I brought her home, she cuddled on top of me for hours, just showing me so much love. I was taken aback by how quickly she warmed up to me, considering we had only spent the car ride home together at that point. It was as if she was overflowing with gratitude, which made me realize that I couldn’t let her down.”

dog lying next to a woman

Christina Antonucci shared a heartwarming story on The Dodo about Lola, a dog who had a rough past that influenced her behavior in her new home. Despite some challenges like digging in the backyard and attempting to escape to play with the neighbor’s dog, Lola’s new parents were understanding and patient with her. They knew that it was important to give her the time and love she needed to adjust to her new life. The bond between Lola and her new family grew stronger as they worked through these challenges together.

dog sitting on tile

Christina Antonucci shared with The Dodo that Lola, her furry companion, had been a source of valuable life lessons during tough times. “Lola has shown me the importance of patience and persistence. Giving up is not an option, no matter what challenges come your way,” Christina expressed. Fortunately, Lola’s phase of digging didn’t last long, as she decided to take on a new role as a backyard possum patroller. One significant factor in this transformation was the arrival of Lola’s new baby brother, Lenny. This picture shows two dogs wearing bandanas, sitting together, symbolizing the bond between Lola and Lenny.

two dogs wearing bandanas sitting together

Christina Antonucci shared a heartwarming story on The Dodo about Lola, who couldn’t be happier with her new little playmate. The two have quickly become the best of friends, spending their days playing and even sharing a bed. Christina is overjoyed to see Lola thriving in her new home, despite a few bumps in the road at the beginning. For Christina, coming home to spend time with Lola is the highlight of her day, as Lola holds a special place in her heart. The bond between them is truly special and brings joy to each other’s lives.

photo of dog bitting into a watermelon

Christina Antonucci shared a story on The Dodo.

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